Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Kay Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all yo' mommas out there! I'm lucky enough to know some pretty incredible mothers. Two of the best and most influential in my life share a name: Kay Baker, my mother, and Kay Wilkinson, my mother-in-law.

Kay Wilkinson

Me and Mom
To these women, I know nothing means more than family. Their lives serve as great examples of what it means to put others before self.

My mother was the central pillar of my childhood. Her sacrifices made everything I was and am possible. She's taught me to always laugh loudly, to treat all other with respect, to sing whether others listen or not, and all true love is unconditional. With her, I know I always have room to be myself. She is one of the funniest people I know, and one of the most beautiful. 

From my mother-in-law, I've learned "the more the marrier." I've been lucky enough to go to Florida with her and about 25 others twice -- trips she has organized with her family. Nearly every Tuesday for last 10 years she has made our family dinner, and every Thankgiving, you can bet I'm eating her food. Whether it's picking the boys up from school, or watching them bowl on Saturday mornings, she routinely goes above and beyond to do what she can for the kids. I don't know if I've ever known anyone who values family more than Kay Wilkinson. My wife is an amazing mother, and I know it's because she has had a great example to follow.

I hope today they know they are truly loved and appreciated. Happy Mother's Day to all the Kays out there!


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