Sunday, July 26, 2009

Your okay, I'm okay

I ran over a bird the other day. I was turning left and he never saw it coming. Or she never saw it coming. I don't know how to tell what sex a bird is. It might have been a robin.

It landed in-line with my tire. I was turning left and going downhill. There was no time to react. I ran right over it.

That bird might have learned through its experiences to not trust cats. Or dogs. Or people holding big sticks. Or airplanes. It might not have been scared of dogs.

I don't know how birds feel about cars, in general. I would guess that they're not usually afraid of being run over. Considering they have wings. I think cats should have much more to worry about when it comes to automobiles. They have an attitude like they own they road.

I bet if that bird ever feared a car it feared the windshield. That seems like a more likely threat. I don't know if birds talk to each other, but I can imagine a mother bird telling its baby bird to beware of windshields.

I can see little gossip-birds talking to their co-workers on the wire. Talking about the dumb skunks that get run over. Or the squirrels. 'Dumb animals can't fly at all,' one might say. The others on the wire, chuckling and feeling superior. Except for one. The one who knows that anything is possible. He's quiet, but smiles to be nice.

After I ran over it I could see it laying there in my rear view mirror--its feathers sticking up. There is no doubt. I ran over that bird.

It seems that whatever that bird thought it knew about cars didn't matter much. How could it have ever known what was coming?

I told a couple people at work about it. There wasn't much they could say.


  1. My dad once told me the reason birds fly closer to the road is because the road is actually a large snake and it is sucking the birds in. I'm not sure if my dad ever saw a snake, or he just knew that they enjoyed eating birds. Either way, if the road is a snake - where is the snake's mouth, dad?

  2. You know once when I was driving to Mountain Grove everyday I hit a bird right about when I passed Rogersville. The problem here was I hit it going fast enough that it got stuck in the top of the grill of my car...and all the way to Mountain Grove (about another 40 miles) this poor dead bird flapped back and forth on the hood of my car and my grill...I was very sick by the time I made it to work. Then I had to have someone else get it off my grill...

  3. Stuck on the grill-- I think I'd be sick, too.
