Today, my son Mason turns 8-years-old. He is, without a doubt, the entertainer of our family. If you stick a camera in his face, you'll never know what kind of face you'll get for a shot. Serious, sad, goofy, he seems to have a million poses. While we have never favored him, it always seems that if we are taking pictures at a family outing, we'll end up with more of Mason than anyone else.
One thing that people tend to find out quickly is that Mason loves to have a good time. He has a huge laugh, and quite often, the worse the joke the bigger it is. And like his father, when you catch him in the mood to tell a joke, he has a determination to his delivery that is usually more funny than his material. Mason is the only child of mine known to regularly make up his own jokes.
I've said it before, but Mason is also quite an artist. While he does great work at school, he is also known for many of his off-the-clock pieces. One of the things our family loves are Mason's pictures of Chase drawn in scenes of great peril. We're not sure how this started, but Mason has compiled at least 20 or so drawings of his older brother facing an impressive variety of life-threatening situations. Chase, to his credit, has been a good sport about seeing his likeness falling off a cliff into shark-infested waters or resting on a plate near a hungry lion. Were it another kid, we might be concerned about a violent imagination. But Mason is just a goofball; he cracks up at our reactions.
Over the last couple of years I've also been very happy to see a sensitive and kind Mason emerging. He appears to want to be a good teammate, student, friend, son, and grandson. He is also not afraid of work, and he really seems to be self-motivated. He has what all parents hope to find in their children, a good heart.
Mason loves playing basketball, riding his bike, running fast, watching T.V. and playing with friends. He routinely tells us more about the events of his daily life than we would ever think to ask. And the stories are always very entertaining. We love you, buddy! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday MASON