Monday, November 29, 2010

That place

Hello, my friend.
Welcome to
that place with chairs,
the most powerful idea.
It's the most powerful idea.

You have space here.
Space to be quiet, to heal.
There's a fire on a log.
We'll let you sleep in under
fat comforters. We like to sleep.
You need a warm shower?
You can throw up if you need to.
Or smoke a cigarette.
The fridge has pizza and cookie dough.
Check what's on TV.
The doors are locked and
the windows, too.
Everyone is here.

I had a song on my mind,
And I sang it real loud!
My friend, my dearest friend
I'll hold your face
and we'll climb a tree
and laugh into the clouds
forever. You are dead.
You are totally dead,
my friend.

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