Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Aug. 26 issue of CFP is "chock-full" of good stuff. The "Seen and Heard" section turned out really well, I think. Kelsey Garman's story about Dr. Bill Hathaway was good. Lyle Foster, health care, MMA: there is something for everyone.

It occurs that our paper often has an unusual mix of stories. I like that we have Kelsey's more conservative columns and features balanced with a heavy dose of what's happening in the local arts' community.

I should note too, that it is sad for me to see Kara Hartfield leaving the paper. I guess she is still going to do some stuff from home every once in awhile, but I'm going to miss her throwing paper clips at me. It is a small cubicle, and Fines has some big shoes to fill. I mean sandals. :[


  1. You forgot to mention how much you would miss the sweater parades, the scarves and the high kicks. But most of all the high kicks.

  2. The surprisingly high high kicks. Fines has been shooting off your little bat man toy lately and I'm not sure he has that authority.

    I'd say you will miss something about me, but if you have a cat that looks at you funny when you try to attack it, then I am pretty well covered. :]
