Friday, May 8, 2009

The Becky Spence Story

Yesterday, Becky Spence talked to Vincent David Jericho on his radio program. You can listen to the interview by following this link. It was hour two of the program. Now, some of you may be rolling your eyes-- others may not know who I am talking about at all. But, Spence, in particular, is someone I think you should be interested in.

She's holding onto a very valuable piece of land. A piece of land CU is wanting to build a new bus station on. And to get it, they are willing to use eminent domain if they need to. Read the lead story of CFP's latest issue.

On the program, she said she was meeting with CU yesterday to unveil her counter-proposal. She wants to build a 4-star hotel and let CU run its new station off the back-end, with buses coming in and out of Trafficway.

I'm having a hard time understanding how it would work, but then I haven't seen the plans, yet. Mrs. Spence did call me yesterday, and I called her, too. But, we missed each other. I'm hoping to talk to her today, or at least have something set up for early next week. I was able to talk to her briefly for the May-6 story, and she agreed to talk to me after "May 7 or May 8." Now, I can assume she was waiting to make her proposal.

It would be highly shocking to me if CU was receptive to her plans. As pointed out on the radio program, Spence and the city have a long and sorted history-- she was required to tear down her Arbor Hotel on the above-mentioned property, and JQH beat her out on a bid to develop land the city acquired from Thompson Pontiac near the Expo Center. I think it's safe to say she still feels wronged on that deal.

Jericho is all over this story, and while many in the community seem to have legitimate concerns about his fairness and objectivity, a story is still a story in my eyes. Becky Spence has largely hidden from the media, and she does have a story to tell. Whether the public believes it or sympathizes with her or not is another story all-together.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly I am a tenant (or shall I say victim) of one of Ms. Spence's properties. I didn't discover her "situation" until we had moved here from out of state in mid-July. This property I live in hasn't been maintained for 10 years, despite her assurances that the concerns would be resolved before we took possession on 7/1. Now I'm trapped. I have no sympathy for her. Her family runs the bogus business called "Elite Properties". Given that she is currently in Chapter 11, how can she be allowed to retain properties she can't afford to maintain? If I knew how to notify her creditors, I certainly would. She and her family are disreputable business people.
