Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I'm not sure how much time I can devote to being a goofy blogger. I've wanted to do columns and shorts and funnies and thunderfire, but there is only so much time in the day. My goal was to write a lot of little things, and do one good blogumn a week. But, I've gotta scale that back.

This should be a fun thing, and not something I'm going to commit x amount of hours to no matter what.

If you've been reading this and you like what you've seen so far, then don't stop checking it out. There will be more of the same coming. And a lot more that I haven't gotten to yet. But, I probably won't be posting everyday.

Any-who, here is a little something I wrote awhile back. I think it's funny.

Saturday with Tupac and Freckles

1 7-foot flex-steel rod, rated for 10-60 lb line,
Sensitive, but fast action tip--borrowed.
1 12 pack--Natural Lights--bought by cousin Freddie.
1 red-haired, wrinkled, cold-nose classic basset,
Answers to BH (bitch hunter).

1 blue Coleman, 2-foot deep, drain plug, fully iced.
1 Marlin 336Y .30-30 deer buster-- uncle Chuck’s,
15 Remington jacketed hollow-points,
Gilded steel to prevent disintegration.
1 backwards Jr. Budweiser cap,
1 S-10 with trailer.

1 Bass Tracker 17.5 Pro Series--dad’s, and he’d kill.
4 for the day--Eminem, Garth Brooks, Nelly, Jay-Z.
1 freckled Robin, holding Batman’s earthworms.
3 wallet-crushed Trojans, hopeful.
2 bumper stickers--Dixie pride, G-Unit.

His crooked measure, holy tree!
For her pleasure, hoping to free.
Cold, cheap brew, sweet flying machine,
Bow-side hurl, know what I mean.
Beat dad home, stolen load,
A gangsta party on Bluegill Road.


  1. Brian--welcome to the blogosphere in which writing a daily column (or blog entry) is amazingly time-consuming. In addition, there's always that nagging thought that what we have to say is unimportant and that no one outside a small circle of friends bothers to care. That's why a lot of bloggers simply resort to quoting each other, thinking that it's research and/or fresh material.

    I remember when Walter Cronkite retired and happily announced that he would write a weekly op-ed piece for the NY Times. Lasted about two months.

    You do have an interesting "blog voice" and I hope you'll continue with the frequent postings.

  2. Thank you, sir. Your input is always welcome. And I think you're right.

    I'm a big fan of Jackehammer and Life of Jason, and I thought I could get in here and do something like what they do, but in my own "voice." To do that though, this would have to be a third job and I can't let happen.

    So, I'm going to pick and chose my spots. Thanks for your comments.

    As for your guest column at CFP, I do want to say publicly that you had some good points. I do understand your concern about candidates writing guest columns. But as a relatively young paper (this is my own opinion), I think we are happy to get as much input from the community as we can. Candidates writing columns gives us more credibility, not less. The question is: are we fair to both sides. Or better asked: are we open to receiving input from both sides? I think we are, and I think we showed we are by printing your column.

    As you are well aware, candidates and office-holders routinely chime in on topics of interest on opinion pages throughout the country. I don't think those appearances can necessarily be connected to any show of favoritism.

    I don't know if I've sold you yet, but that is my take.

  3. I like that poem too..dang you are a chip off the old blocks..your dad didn't write poetry much..one time he did write one for me..he quoted from the Bible..thought I wouldn't realize it...
