Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What this is is...

All I know is I'm a writer.

When I went back to school at 28, my ambition was to be a writer. It was that simple, and that blurry. I ended up studying journalism because that was what I knew, even if I knew that wouldn't be wholly satisfying. I was the editor of my high school paper, and I figured my talents would support quick bursts of knowledge.

Now I'm working at a local paper, and I'm proud of a lot of the work I've done, but there is more...

In many ways I am still waiting to burst out of the gates. I want to write serious novels, and ridiculous shorts. I want to write poetry, but not call it poetry because poetry isn't cool-- I'll call it thunderfire. I want to write thunderfire.

I want to search for God, and swim with dolphins and dance on the sun. Okay, I'm getting a little wound up. The point is, hopefully, this blog will be a creative outlet.

I plan on writing columns here. Some real columns, with research. Something that tries to say something true about life. But, this is more than that, too. It's a mad diary of sorts.

I'm going to try to publish something everyday. At least for awhile. Something new and inventive. Something not sucky. Something I would want to read when I have 10 minutes to wind down after work.

That's it. That what this is.

In closing, the following is a piece of thunderfire I wrote in my school days (not all that long ago):

Holiday Lines

It is o-kay if
You are strug-gl-ing.
We und-er-stand what
You are go-ing- through.
Talk-ing to some-one may help.
Su-uh-cide is not the
Please stand by.
Some-one will be a-vail-a-ble in:

Five min-its.

You are not a-lone.
There is some-one who cares.
Not ev-er-thing is
Don’t do an-e-thing you will
Not ev-er-thing is your fault.
Some-times life is

When one door close-es,
A-noth-er, o-pens.
It is eas-e-er to smile than
To frown.
What does not kill you…
Please stand by.

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